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Food for thought during the quarantine

Foto do escritor:

By Naomi Bareket

Is 95% of Your Thinking Stopping You

from Achieving the Results You Desire?

I recently read an article by Bruce Lipton called “Understanding the Conscious & Subconscious Mind”. In this interview, he argues that we spend 95% of our lives in subconscious thought and only 5% consciously deciding what we should be doing.

The challenge as he describes it is that most of the “programs” in our subconscious mind were implanted in us before we were born through the age of 7. After that, we have to work a lot harder to program our subconscious minds. Once we have a skill that doesn’t require us to think about it, that frees us up to use our creativity for new tasks. After all, we wouldn’t want to have to wake up and figure out how to live our lives again each morning.

Wouldn’t you like to be free of the subconscious limiting beliefs that are holding you back?

If most of the thoughts we were programmed within our lives occurred before the age of 7 (or through traumatic experiences) when we weren’t consciously focused on building these programs (and weren’t aware that others were building them for us,) how can we identify those programs that need to be changed and quickly modify them so we can successfully lead the lives we desire?

In my book, “The Deep See,” I talk about how you can identify those subconscious blockages. Here is an excerpt:

“The purpose of looking deeper into your unconscious mind is because due to external influences, we often experience an inner identity conflict. These external influences suggest we should be one thing, while our true self tells us we really want to be something else. Is that true for you? Here are some questions to ask yourself:

"When you look at the mirror, do you see your deeper identity?

Do you see only the surface and your impulsive reaction to things?

Or do you also bring back the parts of yourself that are suppressed?

These external influences come from a number of sources. As growing children, we experience all kinds of feedback from our surroundings, and we build walls within ourselves or conflicted parts of our unconscious mind as defense or survival mechanisms. For example, if your parents forbade you from being silly when you were growing up, you had to hide this inner trait and suppress it. Whenever you have to repress a quality you want to express, that creates a gap between who you want to be and what other people expect you to be.

This experience from your childhood can carry over into your adulthood, even though you may not be aware of it.”




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* Naomi Bareket was born and raised in Israel, where she started to study Tanach. Ms. Bareket got her Bachelor's degree in Linguistics and Judaism at the religious University Bar Ilan and after her Master's degree in Business Administration, she moved to the United States. Naomi Bareket is the author of the book "The Deep See: How to See Into Your Soul and Find Who You Are and Want to Be", collaborated on articles in several publications, and together with her husband, a Kabala scholar, they created NeuroSUCESSology (, which combines Neurolinguistics and Cognitive Behavioral Psychology (among others) with Jewish wisdom.

* Naomi Bareket nasceu e cresceu em Israel, onde começou a estudar Tanach. Completou seu bacharelado em Linguística e Judaísmo na Universidade religiosa Bar Ilan e após seu mestrado em Business Administration, mudou-se para os Estados Unidos. É autora do livro "The Deep See: How to See Into Your Soul and Find Who You Are and Want to Be", colaborou com artigos em diversas publicações, e junto ao seu marido, estudioso em Kabala, criou a NeuroSUCESSology ( ), onde une Neurolinguística e Psicologia Cognitiva Comportamental (entre outros) à sabedoria judaica.

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