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* By Mindy File

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It is now July and we are still hearing constant reports on the SARS-2 (Covid-19) virus, and still not back to total normalcy. There are predictions of a ‘second wave’, a fall repeat etc.  Are you feeling anxious and fearful every time you hear another statement? Do you believe that other than wearing a mask everywhere outside of your residence and keeping far away from others there is little you can do to protect yourself? What if you do get sick, what should you do?

In this article, I will explain the realities of the situation and some of the things most people can do to help themselves stay healthier.  Hopefully, by the end of the article your anxiety level will be decreased.

"Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Mindy File and I am a retired medical scientist/technologist and health educator/coach."

First of all, let me point out some things about the statistics we have been bombarded with non-stop. The first thing to know is that they are not completely accurate. In the beginning of the pandemic and for several weeks, there was no reliable test for this virus; therefore, anyone presenting with breathing difficulties and fever was simply assumed to have SARS-2 (Covid-19). 

In fact, in the U.S. Dr. Birx said so in one of the presidential news conferences.  The second fact is that there have been reliable reports that death certificates have listed Covid-19 as the cause of death for people known by relatives and friends to have died of other causes & never had Covid-19. 

This occurred in the U.S.; did it also happen in other countries? I don’t know, but it is definitely possible.  Put these two pieces of information together and you realize that the numbers are somewhat inflated and we will never know the true numbers.  We know that this virus can be a serious threat; the actual numbers do not really matter to each individual. I recommend stop listening to reports of any numbers as they serve no purpose for us other than to raise anxiety.

"Another issue is the occasional prediction that there may be a repeat in the fall or that it will not actually go away or stop.  Please keep in mind that the people talking about this are theorizing (speculating) and do NOT actually know anything of the sort at this time. Do not agonize over what is not known, but focus on what you can do now to keep yourself as healthy as possible."

Have you noticed that the government experts are not recommending anything to protect yourself other than masks, hand washing, and distancing?  The vast majority of individuals who get very ill and/or die from this virus are people over 55y.o. and those with ‘pre-existing illnesses ‘ or stressful health situations.  That should tell us that guarding one’s health and immune system function will improve the chance that even if exposed to the virus, the result will be much less severe.  Do you remember when we first  heard about Hydroxychloroquine?  The doctor that had started using it here in the U.S. gave it together with zinc and z-pal.  The official experts almost immediately poo-poof it. 

Some few studies have been done on it in Covid-19 since, but none of the studies that I have read about administered it exactly the same way as that doctor; that is, when first getting symptomatic and with zinc.  Zinc helps the immune system stay strong and balanced, and assists in preventing the over reaction that may result in the ‘cytokine storm’ (sepsis) that is so deadly.  Do not take a lot of zinc, as it is toxic when levels are too high; however, a small daily amount of 25mg when first feeling ill can be helpful.  Be sure to consult your doctor to assure that it is OK for you.

"Other things of assistance: vitamin D - try to get and keep your blood levels over 40; vitamin C - take at least 1.5 g./day in divided doses and even more if you get an infection."

Again, check with your doctor, especially to find out your blood level of vit.D.  If you have pre-existing conditions , be even more vigilant of your health than usual.

The above suggestions are basic and apply to virtually everyone; other ways to help the immune system can include foods and spices known to have anti-inflammatory and immune helping actions.  Consider adding onions, garlic, turmeric and ginger to your daily diet.  There are many other substances and techniques that may be helpful, but many things must be individually tailored to a person’s situation.

I hope that you are now less anxious than you were at the beginning of this article, but please remember to still be a bit cautious.


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* Mindy File is a retired Retired Medical Scientist. If you have any questions about this article, I can be reached by email:

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